
There is no free in liberty.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Rep GK Butterfield, Ashley Woolard Debate Impressions....


This is my first exposure to Ashley Woolard; he has passion, understanding of the issues and what seems to be a consistent among the Tea Party supporters running for office... youth. Rep GK Butterfield by comparison was unprepared, disheveled and seemed almost bothered by the fact that he had been taken from his important business in DC.

There were six questions in the debate and they were all difficult for Butterfield to address. All but one indicate the nationalized nature of this election. In fact, the only question that hearkened to anything local was one concerning possible bribery in relation Butterfield's acceptance of campaign funds from Charlie Rangel then later sitting on an ethics panel investigating Rangel. Butterfield refused to recuse himself despite the obvious conflict of interest involved. Overall, though, the majority of the questions are a direct result of governing against the will of the people and the fact that every major bill tackled by congress was unpopular.

A few of quotes sum up some of their positions nicely.

  • GK Butterfield on the economy:
    We need more people to pay income taxes. That's the way we are going to grow our economy.
[Translation: Your tax dollars funneled through my hands will power our economy... long live Keynesian Theory. ]

  • Ashley Woolard on ObamaCare:
    The bottom line reality is - this is not about about health care, it's about more government control and that's what we're sick of. We're sick of people like my opponent going into Washington, telling them what's better for us, better for our families, and better for our lives. It's nonsense.
[No translation needed. Woolard believes in the American people.]

  • Ashley Woolard on GK. Butterfield's skimming per diem expenses:
    You have been taking the taxpayer's money and putting it in your pocket and you will not account for it. It's unacceptable behavior... The people of the US are sick of it and that's what's wrong with Washington, people such as yourself. You don't represent the people by putting the people's money in your pocket and not accounting for it.
[No translation needed. Theft is wrong.]

  • GK Butterfield on the Dept. of Education:
    Our school system in NC. depends on support from the US Dept. of Education ... We sent some Recovery Act funds to the school system in Beaufort Co.
[Translation: The US Dept. of Education needs to hold on to your federal tax money so it can attach strings to it before it puts your money back into your school system.]

  • Ashley Woolard on the Dept. of Education:
    I believe the Dept of Education is just another big major bureaucracy created by liberal democrats to control the lives of the citizenry. I believe the folks of Eastern NC are more than capable of making the choices of what's better for their school systems than a bunch of bureaucrats running around Washington DC.
[No translation needed. Ashley Woolard believes in the American people and federalism.]

This election could not be clearer. Some of us believe in America while some believe in American government.


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