Democrat myth was hand bagged by reality this past year.
Governance through Obama, Peosi, and Reid revealed the democrat party's true nature, and that the fabricated definitions of the democrat party by the Media, Education, and Popular Culture were myth. In the run up to this past November's election I said the following:
...Where once they were able to sell the idea they were the party of fiscal discipline, the lie to the myth has been laid bare. Where once they claimed they were the party of the people, they are now the party of government owned businesses, takeovers and bailouts with the people's money. Where once they claimed to be the party of choice, they are now the party of limiting choice in health-care. Where once they feigned compromise, they lead unilaterally. Where once they seemed to reflect the wishes of the people, they defined themselves through immigration reform, Guantanamo, ObamaCare, and the Ground Zero Mosque as above the will of the people.
They paid a price for their immoral governance this past November and will likely continue paying through several more election cycles, but it has become clear that Pelosi, Reid, and Obama have a long term strategy for regaining and enhancing democrat power that called for those dues to be paid. It is a strategy that should be recognized as detrimental for our nation and any fruit it bears should be allowed to rot.
Pelosi, Obama, and Reid recognized the power of programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Militaries are periodically scaled back; not so social programs. Social programs show no history of cuts, only growth, and that growth benefits the party of big government ... democrats. Talk of cuts has historically benefited democrats, as such talk usually stems from their opposition which is quickly accused of being mean spirited our worse for political points. There are also votes of dependency to be gained. Social programs are the mother's milk of bureaucracies and bureaucracies are dependant on the party that favors their programs for their existence.
What they needed was another social program. That social program was ObamaCare. I doubt they initially entered the Obamacare debate thinking their program would be rejected by the people of America, but when it was rejected [see Scott Brown], they did not stop pursuing ObamaCare. With Scott Brown in Teddy's seat the numbers in the senate no longer allowed for the back and forth between the houses for ObamaCare that normally clenses bills. As a result, the house signed off on the poorly crafted senate bill rather than risk the failure of a better written version at the hand of a single person ... Scott Brown. Prior to the house's passing of ObamaCare Pelosi even considered using a maneuver referred to as "deem and pass" in which they would deem ObamaCare passed within a package of fixes in an effort to fix the Senate bill and garner votes through the anonymous nature of "deem and pass" votes.
Clearly the passage of ObamaCare was more important to Obama, Pelosi and Reid than the constitutional production of a quality Health-Care bill, or even the voice of the people.
Because they came to realize that the passage of ObamaCare, even against the will of the people, was worth the temporary cost to their party, that ObamaCare was an affliction on America that is unlikely (based on history) to be removed, an affliction on our nation that would strengthen their party while weakening our nation through government growth and control for decades to come.
In short, ObamaCare is the result of a tyranny of our exiting democrat majority that was willing to abuse our system of governance to saddle our nation and its people with a law that it gambled would not be repealed and would return them to power with enhanced influence over time.
The fruit of this tyranny of the majority, ObamaCare, should be allowed to rot least we see more.
Looking forward to 2011.....