
There is no free in liberty.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Rep Brad Miller's Extreme Makeover Begins...


Rep. Brad Miller's extreme makeover has begun.

In previous cycles Rep. Brad Miller won his district by large margins. (approx. 70 - 30) His most recent race against Bill Randall this past Nov 2, though, was won on the back of his self drawn gerrymandered district. Miller won 55-45. This represents a massive loss in support and the effectiveness of the Tea Party.

But with the NC State legislature under Republican control for the first time in over 100 years his gerrymandered seat is in jeopardy as his party no longer has control over districting. This has not gone unnoticed by Miller and he seems to have come to the conclusion that he must recast his past immoral governance.

He asks us to forget his votes and listen to his words.

FireDogLake quoted Miller as saying:
I do not place a high priority on protecting the solvency of the banks if they are. insolvent.
His bank favoring votes tell a different tale:
  • $13 trillion according to PBS in financial bailouts from our pockets and the pockets of our children to the coffers of the largest banks.
  • HR 3808 - A bill that, had it not been vetoed, would have given the banks a quick way out of their chain of title and notarizing problems with MERS at the people's expense.
Should we really believe Miller's words over his votes? Miller seems to think so.


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