
There is no free in liberty.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Conservative Contract With North Carolina Via Paul Stam....


Rep. Stam wishes to inform the author that the statement "Democrats have held the North Carolina House since 1898" is inaccurate. Though this may be the case for the Senate, it is not for the House. The Republicans controlled the House for 4 years in the mid-1990s.

Democrats have held the North Carolina Senate since 1898. This is plainly unnatural. According to North Carolina FreeEnterprise Foundation the mood of the electorate this year could bring change to that:

Currently, Democrats control the Senate by a 30 to 20 margin. The chamber is the Democrats to lose. Based on national trends and voter sentiment, expectations are that 2010 will be a tough political year for incumbents and Democrats. It will be a challenge for the party in power to hold on to the seats they have, and regardless of the overall outcome of the fall election, the margin of control in the Senate is likely to narrow.

Attempting to capitalize on this climate of change Paul Stam, North Carolina House Republican Leader has introduced what appears to be a contract with North Carolina.

North Carolina’s state government must reduce costs and regulation on business, large and small, so that they can create jobs and prosperity.

If the people of North Carolina entrust Republicans with a majority in the General Assembly on November 2, 2010, we commit to govern the State by focusing on these priorities:

1. Years of overspending by Democrats have given North Carolina the highest tax rates in the Southeast and a budget deficit of at least $3 billion; we will balance the State budget without raising tax rates.

2. High taxes are killing jobs. We will make our tax rates competitive with other states.

Within the first 100 days you will see us:

1. Passing The Healthcare Freedom Protection Act, exempting North Carolinians from the job-killing, liberty-restricting mandates of the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obama Care).

2. Fighting to protect jobs by keeping our Right to Work laws.

3. Reducing the regulatory burden on small business.

4. Funding education in the classroom, not the bureaucracy.

5. Eliminating the cap on charter schools.

6. Passing the Honest Election Act, requiring a valid photo ID to vote.

7. Passing the Eminent Domain constitutional amendment to protect private property rights.

8. Ending pay-to-play politics and restore honesty and integrity to state government.

Let's roll.



  1. I actually agree with some of these, but if the tea bag/republican/immoral majority gets in control, they won't do a darn thing correctly.

  2. I have similar concerns, but so far I find that the TeaParty has forced a cleansing of the Republican Party that needs to continue.

    It has already stopped the immoral governance of the Democrat majority in its tracks.
