Both my wife and I voted together. As we walked up I noted the lack of Obama signs amid a plethora of local Democrat and Republican signs. Romney signs outnumbered Obama signs.
There was the normal gauntlet of pamphlet pushers, conservatives to the right, liberals to the left. Each were within an arm's reach. To my delight, unlike the geriatric cadre of liberals to the left, the conservatives were manned entirely by high school and college students.
My wife and I accepted a voting guide from the conservative side. The last individual on the left was running for some local soil office and made his pitch our way even though we were obviously conservatives.
Inside there was no line. Everyone was nice. I was proud.
As we left my wife and I each admitted to on another had thrown our vote to the liberal soil guy, Grogan. Keep pitching dude.
We thanked the conservative youth at the gate and returned our voting guide for reuse.
A good experience.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Example 23,455 That Obama is UnAmerican...
During the debate...
According to Obama government's first obligation is to the safety of it's citizens. This from a Constitutional Law Professor and president for the last 4 years.
There is no liberty in ObamaWorld.
During the debate...
According to Obama government's first obligation is to the safety of it's citizens. This from a Constitutional Law Professor and president for the last 4 years.
There is no liberty in ObamaWorld.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Kiva Coffee House...
Kiva Coffee House:
Kiva Coffee House:
Between Escalante and Boulder, UT on Hwy 12 is this place. A good stop of coffee drinks and a snack. Shot with Sony NEX-5n w/18/55 lens in panorama mode. Click on image for larger view.
The post Kiva Coffee House appeared first on Ramsey's Travels Blog.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Science's Jewel, The Liar's Tool...
Statistics is that wonderful lens through which veiled may be revealed while at the same time be the means by which truth is lost, a bittersweet nature:
Statistics is that wonderful lens through which veiled may be revealed while at the same time be the means by which truth is lost, a bittersweet nature:
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Levering Envy on Others is Nothing Short of Evil...
Ed Cone:
The problem is the belief that rich people are uniquely virtuous and productive and interesting and more deserving of praise for their role in society and the economy than any other group. This notion should seem absurd to anyone who has ever contemplated the work done by, say, nurses or firefighters, but somehow it is a popular and politically powerful idea -- so powerful that we actually spent years making new rules and pretending that wealth was just about to trickle down, when in fact it was pooling at the top.
We went from skepticism about the pursuit of wealth as an end to itself to worship of that program. The same book where I found the opening quote warns against Mammonophilia and contains a famous formula about even-toed ungulates, sewing implements, and eternity, along with much else in the same vein. All that seems forgotten by politicians who cite the book frequently in more general terms.
Strawman arguments in the service of progressivism...
In Ed's case it is done in the attempt is to define good and evil based on income so as to paint evil those policies that help more people more easily find wealth through their own effort.
But what of that policy that puts wealth in the hands of those whose only effort is exerted at the ballot box? Why, that wealth escapes his hues of evil, for within the progressive soul there is no evil in the tool that is envy.
Not that Ed is envious, but eloquently levering envy on others is nothing short of evil.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
2008 - 41% D to 33% R... 2010 35% both D and R ... 2012 34% D to 36% R...
Voter Identification
2008 - 41% D to 33% R
2010 - 35% D to 35% R
2012 - 34% D to 36% R
Oh my...
Remember this when you see polls skewing Democrat by 12 and 15...
Voter Identification
2008 - 41% D to 33% R
2010 - 35% D to 35% R
2012 - 34% D to 36% R
Oh my...
... Pollster Scott Rasmussen periodically estimates party identification on the basis of thousands of robocall interviews of likely voters.
His findings have been uncannily close to the exit polls. In the last quarter of 2008, his party-ID numbers were 41 percent Democratic, 33 percent Republican. The 2008 exit poll showed Democrats ahead in party ID by 39 to 32 percent.
In the third quarter of 2010, Rasmussen pegged party ID as tied at 35 percent. The 2010 exit poll showed it exactly the same.
The third quarter of 2012 is not yet over. But the Rasmussen party-ID numbers for the second and third quarters combined are ominous for Obama’s party: 34 percent Democratic, 36 percent Republican. Republicans are up only 3 percentage points from 2008, but Democrats are down 7 percentage points.
Remember this when you see polls skewing Democrat by 12 and 15...
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Humility is the Price of Hubris Among the Forgiven..
Do you remember more Bush the campaigner or Bush the leader?
What of Obama? Do you remember Obama the campaigner or Obama the leader?
The difference between the two is that Obama campaigned beyond his ability to lead - in a word, failure.
The sense of "Obama the messiah" is gone because Obama failed to rise to the aura of his own pitch. It is for that reason every attempt to rekindle yesterday's magic during the current campaign has failed.
And that will not change, for a messianic figure quantified is no messiah and one quantified by his own measures of failure even less so.
That said, yesterday's hubris can be tamed and even forgiven by today's humility. Presidents are human as even Obama's staunchest supporters know. But nothing I have seen thus far indicates that Obama intends to embrace humility or is even capable of humility and absent humility Obama will never find forgiveness for his failure among the electorate.
That is Obama's insurmountable hurdle - the belief that in the face of his own failure he can overcome yesterday's hubris without humility.
And if Obama fails to embrace and sell his humility during the DNC he will have never, in the eyes of the electorate, matured into a leader worthy of their forgiveness or a second term.
Do you remember more Bush the campaigner or Bush the leader?
What of Obama? Do you remember Obama the campaigner or Obama the leader?
The difference between the two is that Obama campaigned beyond his ability to lead - in a word, failure.
The sense of "Obama the messiah" is gone because Obama failed to rise to the aura of his own pitch. It is for that reason every attempt to rekindle yesterday's magic during the current campaign has failed.
And that will not change, for a messianic figure quantified is no messiah and one quantified by his own measures of failure even less so.
That said, yesterday's hubris can be tamed and even forgiven by today's humility. Presidents are human as even Obama's staunchest supporters know. But nothing I have seen thus far indicates that Obama intends to embrace humility or is even capable of humility and absent humility Obama will never find forgiveness for his failure among the electorate.
That is Obama's insurmountable hurdle - the belief that in the face of his own failure he can overcome yesterday's hubris without humility.
And if Obama fails to embrace and sell his humility during the DNC he will have never, in the eyes of the electorate, matured into a leader worthy of their forgiveness or a second term.
failed leadership,
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Dems Replace God With Government...
"God" is removed from the Democrat platform, as "Government is the only thing that we all belong to,"...
"God" is removed from the Democrat platform, as "Government is the only thing that we all belong to,"...
Monday, September 3, 2012
Friday, August 31, 2012
Is the Right to Life Extremist?
(edited for clarity)
A quick thought experiment:
One would rightly be considered an extremist if they held that their property rights superseded the liberty of others to the point that human ownership were viable. I believe polls would reflect that extremism as I doubt few currently hold that view.
But would the same individual be an extremist in 1850? I believe so. There are timeless truths and a belief in human ownership runs counter to them. However, polls, had they been possible, would not have reflected that extremism in 1850. The result is that our extremist slave holder was able to hide their extremism behind the skirt of extremist polls.
Today we see the same dynamic.
Instead of one's property rights superseding the rights of another to the point of their enslavement, a group of Americans believe one's privacy rights supersede the rights of another to the point of their death. Like the slaveholders of a previous era this group hides its extremism behind the skirt of extremist polls.
Polls are clearly not the tool by which we may divine extremism.
Extremism can, therefore, only be measured against a fundamental principle.
To conclude, it is arguably the case that extremists are sometimes those who turn their backs on fundamental principles so as to run with the herd rather than those few who choose stand with truth.
(edited for clarity)
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Feining Outrage Over the Regognition That Assault May Hinder Conception>>>
It is interesting that those who claim there is virtue in abortion do not believe that assault, battery and rape (legitimate rape?) may hinder conception.
When we step back and ask ourselves whether a battered woman is more or less likely to conceive, the answer should be obvious. Yet we are told that the obvious answer is wrong, that in as far as conception is concerned a little assault and battery is just fine.
The truth that there is no virtue in abortion and defending that which is without virtue leads to vice. In this case that vice is a tolerance toward assault and battery best expressed in the reaction toward Akin's apparent view that assault and battery negatively affect woman.
So here we are with a man who rejects liberal vice but is being torn down by pro abortionists seeking to not only defend abortion but score points politically by feigning outrage over the recognition that assault may hinder conception.
It is interesting that those who claim there is virtue in abortion do not believe that assault, battery and rape (legitimate rape?) may hinder conception.
When we step back and ask ourselves whether a battered woman is more or less likely to conceive, the answer should be obvious. Yet we are told that the obvious answer is wrong, that in as far as conception is concerned a little assault and battery is just fine.
The truth that there is no virtue in abortion and defending that which is without virtue leads to vice. In this case that vice is a tolerance toward assault and battery best expressed in the reaction toward Akin's apparent view that assault and battery negatively affect woman.
So here we are with a man who rejects liberal vice but is being torn down by pro abortionists seeking to not only defend abortion but score points politically by feigning outrage over the recognition that assault may hinder conception.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Ryan, A Washingtonian Figure....
In shifting to a newer, larger entitlement program that holds the promise of long-term liberal influence, ObamaCare, liberal progressive Democrats have chosen to cannibalize another smaller entitlement program, Medicare.
The Paul Ryan debate following his VP selection has brought this to light much to the surprise of many Democrats who had grown accustomed to easy demagoguery regarding Medicare. As a result many of our retirees have come to realize that Democrats are no longer working in their interest, but rather in the interest of enhanced party influence via ObamaCare.
Comparatively Paul Ryan comes across as a Washingtonian figure as he attempts to not only traverse, but narrow the fiscal gulf between sound national budgeting and unaffordable obligations, a gulf that Democrats hasten to widen.
And this is the increasingly palpable fear that has overcome many Democrats who have failed to define Ryan in their own terms, that when an individual works in the service of America while others threaten her fiscal continuance there is only one choice, and that is the one whose vision narrows the Delaware in the service of everyone's interest.
In shifting to a newer, larger entitlement program that holds the promise of long-term liberal influence, ObamaCare, liberal progressive Democrats have chosen to cannibalize another smaller entitlement program, Medicare.
The Paul Ryan debate following his VP selection has brought this to light much to the surprise of many Democrats who had grown accustomed to easy demagoguery regarding Medicare. As a result many of our retirees have come to realize that Democrats are no longer working in their interest, but rather in the interest of enhanced party influence via ObamaCare.
Comparatively Paul Ryan comes across as a Washingtonian figure as he attempts to not only traverse, but narrow the fiscal gulf between sound national budgeting and unaffordable obligations, a gulf that Democrats hasten to widen.
And this is the increasingly palpable fear that has overcome many Democrats who have failed to define Ryan in their own terms, that when an individual works in the service of America while others threaten her fiscal continuance there is only one choice, and that is the one whose vision narrows the Delaware in the service of everyone's interest.
Monday, August 6, 2012
The NASA Folks are Looking Happy on the NASA Feed...
Things must have gone well with the Mars landing.
Things must have gone well with the Mars landing.
We Won't Support Chick-Fil-A With Our Dollars, but You Must Fund Abortion With Yours...
American Thinker:
So true.
Take for example the Chick-Fil-A fun we had recently. Liberals gladly pushed others to forgo CFA and attempted boycotts like 'Eat Les Chiken'. Surly many chose not to support CFA so as to not fund revenue steams they found immoral. That is their right.
But what of those folks who do not wish to indulge revenue streams that fund birth control or abortifacients? Even while reveling in their right to not engage in an activity that funds what they deem immoral, liberals are fine with forcing others to engage in activity those others deem immoral.
Odder still was that as soon as government inserted itself in the CFA argument via various mayors threatening CFA., much of the left deserted those mayors. Why?
The left seemed perfectly willing to use the coercive powers of government to fund abortion.
Why didn't the left support the mayors against CFA?
I believe the reason that many liberals did not lend support to those mayors who proposed bullying the pious is that such actions have yet to be sanctified by governance in the way that governance has moralized the outright unconstitutional coercion of the religious by way of codified law otherwise known as ObamaCare.
Thus, forcing the religious to support an immoral stream of revenue is just fine for liberals. But when government attempts to force the religious to shut up without having first sanctified the nightstick used, well Rahm and the other mayors were forced to backtrack from immoral behavior that had yet been moralized by state codification.
These are a theocratic bunch, these progressive, liberal, Democrats who have effectively handed the power to moralize to governance, but then, what other result could be expected when religion is forced from the public square?
American Thinker:
So while the Tea Party advances small-government principles, wanting to leave citizens free to make their own decisions and reap the benefits or suffer the consequences accordingly, the left pursues a system of big-government command and control. They then turn around and accuse the small-government Christian Tea Partiers of attempting to impose a theocracy in America, when it is the left's plan that is often indistinguishable from theocratic rule.
So true.
Take for example the Chick-Fil-A fun we had recently. Liberals gladly pushed others to forgo CFA and attempted boycotts like 'Eat Les Chiken'. Surly many chose not to support CFA so as to not fund revenue steams they found immoral. That is their right.
But what of those folks who do not wish to indulge revenue streams that fund birth control or abortifacients? Even while reveling in their right to not engage in an activity that funds what they deem immoral, liberals are fine with forcing others to engage in activity those others deem immoral.
Odder still was that as soon as government inserted itself in the CFA argument via various mayors threatening CFA., much of the left deserted those mayors. Why?
The left seemed perfectly willing to use the coercive powers of government to fund abortion.
Why didn't the left support the mayors against CFA?
I believe the reason that many liberals did not lend support to those mayors who proposed bullying the pious is that such actions have yet to be sanctified by governance in the way that governance has moralized the outright unconstitutional coercion of the religious by way of codified law otherwise known as ObamaCare.
Thus, forcing the religious to support an immoral stream of revenue is just fine for liberals. But when government attempts to force the religious to shut up without having first sanctified the nightstick used, well Rahm and the other mayors were forced to backtrack from immoral behavior that had yet been moralized by state codification.
These are a theocratic bunch, these progressive, liberal, Democrats who have effectively handed the power to moralize to governance, but then, what other result could be expected when religion is forced from the public square?
Friday, August 3, 2012
Europe's Greatest Gift...
What is culture?
Well, it is not people applauding by snapping their fingers or rattling their jewelry.
And it need not be defined along national borders, but at this point it generally is. It is that evolutionary set of beliefs based on faith or lack thereof as well as that set of reasoned intellectual knowledge accumulated by mankind that a society chooses to embrace.
At one point in the not too distant past some societies did not have a choice regarding the inclusion of mankind's accumulated knowledge in their societies. In the extreme some isolated societies' only accumulated knowledge was that which they had learned and retained on their own. There was no complete reservoir of accumulated knowledge for them to pick and choose from in the formation of their culture.
This gave rise to the intersection of cultures displaced in time. Europeans, for example, often clashed with Stone Age aboriginal cultures in which the only advantage Stone Age cultures had were their numbers. Europeans, in contrast had a near complete body of human knowledge (for the era) at their disposal.
Over the past five centuries the existence of such massive knowledge gaps between cultures and across humanity have vanished in what is arguably the greatest unrecognized gift of fairness humanity has ever been granted -- access for all to the near totality of hard earned empirical and often spiritual knowledge of mankind. This resulted in the greatest levelings between the disparate cultures of the world mankind has ever known. Cultures effectively traveled in time.
What is culture?
Well, it is not people applauding by snapping their fingers or rattling their jewelry.
And it need not be defined along national borders, but at this point it generally is. It is that evolutionary set of beliefs based on faith or lack thereof as well as that set of reasoned intellectual knowledge accumulated by mankind that a society chooses to embrace.
At one point in the not too distant past some societies did not have a choice regarding the inclusion of mankind's accumulated knowledge in their societies. In the extreme some isolated societies' only accumulated knowledge was that which they had learned and retained on their own. There was no complete reservoir of accumulated knowledge for them to pick and choose from in the formation of their culture.
This gave rise to the intersection of cultures displaced in time. Europeans, for example, often clashed with Stone Age aboriginal cultures in which the only advantage Stone Age cultures had were their numbers. Europeans, in contrast had a near complete body of human knowledge (for the era) at their disposal.
Over the past five centuries the existence of such massive knowledge gaps between cultures and across humanity have vanished in what is arguably the greatest unrecognized gift of fairness humanity has ever been granted -- access for all to the near totality of hard earned empirical and often spiritual knowledge of mankind. This resulted in the greatest levelings between the disparate cultures of the world mankind has ever known. Cultures effectively traveled in time.
An Extremely Vocal Extreme Minority...
When a group makes up some 3% of the population it is not wise to choose a form of solidarity only that minority is comfortable with.
News Record:
When a group makes up some 3% of the population it is not wise to choose a form of solidarity only that minority is comfortable with.
News Record:
Chick-fil-A kiss-in's today in the Triad? Not that we've found
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Polls and the Progressive's New Tool - the Coercive Tax...
What would we call a tax on people who choose not to vote?
A poll penalty? a poll penalty/tax? a penalty poll tax?or perhaps a poll tax penalty?
I suspect such a poll 'penalty/tax', as Pelosi might call it, could easily become be a potential source of future voting power for Democrats as it would drive the shiftless dependent class to the polls more than making up for losses in traditional liberal voting blocks elsewhere. Labor, for instance.
Contemplate the moralizing, though. Is coercion of the vote any more moral than erecting barriers to the vote?
I suspect Democrats would find such coercion as moral as ObamaCare coercion. Perhaps even more so.
And I imagine progressives would also find moralizing the ID's necessary for the policing of such a penalty/tax quite easy as the end (near 100% voter turnout) would easily justify the means in their thinking. I doubt even the necessity of IRS enforcement which would undoubtedly fall more heavily on those least likely to vote, the Democrat's voting block of poor dependents, would be much of a moral hurdle. If troubled American progressives might argue something along the lines of What's the Matter with Kansas? or simply claim, it's for their own good.
As we have learned from our experience with ObamaCare, the end justifies any and all means when it is for their own good, for the good of society, for the good of the mother country.
What would we call a tax on people who choose not to vote?
A poll penalty? a poll penalty/tax? a penalty poll tax?or perhaps a poll tax penalty?
I suspect such a poll 'penalty/tax', as Pelosi might call it, could easily become be a potential source of future voting power for Democrats as it would drive the shiftless dependent class to the polls more than making up for losses in traditional liberal voting blocks elsewhere. Labor, for instance.
Contemplate the moralizing, though. Is coercion of the vote any more moral than erecting barriers to the vote?
I suspect Democrats would find such coercion as moral as ObamaCare coercion. Perhaps even more so.
And I imagine progressives would also find moralizing the ID's necessary for the policing of such a penalty/tax quite easy as the end (near 100% voter turnout) would easily justify the means in their thinking. I doubt even the necessity of IRS enforcement which would undoubtedly fall more heavily on those least likely to vote, the Democrat's voting block of poor dependents, would be much of a moral hurdle. If troubled American progressives might argue something along the lines of What's the Matter with Kansas? or simply claim, it's for their own good.
As we have learned from our experience with ObamaCare, the end justifies any and all means when it is for their own good, for the good of society, for the good of the mother country.
penalty tax,
poll id,
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Brad Miller (NC-13) Armed Potential Victims Lead to the Kind of Carnage We Saw in Aurora......
News Record:
What emptiness would drive Brad Miller to argue for disarming would be victims? Perhaps Brad Miller should search his heart, his soul, and find the humanity within that would allow him to trust his fellow citizen over the soulless, inanimate government he seems more inclined to not only entrust his well being to, but force others to entrust their well being to as well.
And what is it within liberals in general that drive them to entrust inanimate government over real people with their well being? I am sure there is a term that describes such a psychosis. Whatever that psychosis it is surly highly related to the dehumanization of the disarmed victims their arguments necessarily force upon them. While liberals seem prepared to argue for disarming potential victims, I doubt those same individuals would argue for de-clawing cats prior to throwing them to the wild.
What drives liberals like Brad Miller to dehumanize their fellow citizens and treat them as less than cats? What drives them to disconnect from their fellow citizen and embrace inanimate governance?
In the case of Brad Miller, his immorality in such matters are of little significance in terms of his governance, he has lost his gerrymandered district to his extremism. But as a private citizen he will still be able argue for his cold, inhuman, and inhumane liberal immorality and that is his right.
News Record:
U.S. Rep. Brad Miller , D- 13th District, counters those fears assume “a tyrannical government.” He said the idea that armed citizens serve as an effective check on a modern military is “kind of a fantasy.”
“Given the power of the military now, the weaponry available to the military and the powers of the government, the idea that armed citizens are an important check on government just seems unrealistic,” Miller said. “And it leads to the kind of carnage that we saw in Aurora.”
What emptiness would drive Brad Miller to argue for disarming would be victims? Perhaps Brad Miller should search his heart, his soul, and find the humanity within that would allow him to trust his fellow citizen over the soulless, inanimate government he seems more inclined to not only entrust his well being to, but force others to entrust their well being to as well.
And what is it within liberals in general that drive them to entrust inanimate government over real people with their well being? I am sure there is a term that describes such a psychosis. Whatever that psychosis it is surly highly related to the dehumanization of the disarmed victims their arguments necessarily force upon them. While liberals seem prepared to argue for disarming potential victims, I doubt those same individuals would argue for de-clawing cats prior to throwing them to the wild.
What drives liberals like Brad Miller to dehumanize their fellow citizens and treat them as less than cats? What drives them to disconnect from their fellow citizen and embrace inanimate governance?
In the case of Brad Miller, his immorality in such matters are of little significance in terms of his governance, he has lost his gerrymandered district to his extremism. But as a private citizen he will still be able argue for his cold, inhuman, and inhumane liberal immorality and that is his right.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
It is Chick-Fil-A day...
I am making a run to Danville Va. over lunch and I am looking forward to taking advantage of some Chick-Fil-A salad and soup for lunch while there. Unfortunately there is no Chick-Fil-A in Eden NC.
If you, like me, support a newspaper corporation's right to free speech, support Chick-Fil-A's right to freedom of religion...
It's Chick-Fil-A day for me.
I am making a run to Danville Va. over lunch and I am looking forward to taking advantage of some Chick-Fil-A salad and soup for lunch while there. Unfortunately there is no Chick-Fil-A in Eden NC.
If you, like me, support a newspaper corporation's right to free speech, support Chick-Fil-A's right to freedom of religion...
It's Chick-Fil-A day for me.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Struggling Through a Depression Amid Food Truck Regulation and Crony Capitalism...
Greg Robinson:
No. The problem is that regulatory nexus between government and business upon which crony capitalism takes root, strangling innovation and forcing many to do without while the few exchange dollars for favors.
Greg Robinson:
If we are setting up food carts, food wagons, that compete with those restaurants the aren't paying, for example, the assessments ... the same things that those property owners are paying to provide the amenities downtown, uh, that could be a problem.
No. The problem is that regulatory nexus between government and business upon which crony capitalism takes root, strangling innovation and forcing many to do without while the few exchange dollars for favors.
The taxes these "brick and mortar" businesses pay entitle them to no claim to public property. Some people just want to feed themselves and their families while others simply wish to enjoy food cart wares, but when government caters to some over others we all starve.Michigan Teen Opens Hot Dog Stand to Help Disabled Parents – City Shuts Him Down:
In Holland, Michigan, a 13-year-old entrepreneur thought he would be able to sell hot dogs and financially help his disabled parents with the purchase of a food cart. Unfortunately, city zoning officials have shut down his business, based on an ordinance that prohibits competition to brick-and-mortar restaurants from mobile food vendors. Nathan Dusynski wanted to help out his family and raise money for college. His mother has epilepsy and his father has multiple sclerosis. But the city shut him down. The hot dog stand violated a city ordinance. Michigan Capitol Confidential reported:
Of Skewing and Skewering ...
Bottom line in a poll 46% Democrat and 35% Republican, yet with an 11 point advantage the president only manages a 6 point lead.
One of the topics asked about was Obamacare, according to the internals 40% of the respondents favored it while 44% opposed it.
So in the poll the number of people who supported Obamacase was 13% below the total number of Democrats in the poll, while the number of people who opposed Obamacare was over 25% greater than the number of Republicans polled.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Obama: "We Tried Our Plan and it Worked" ...
... and Rush hoped Obama would fail because Rush understood that if Obama's plan worked the nation would find misery.
We found that misery; Obama's plan worked.
... and Rush hoped Obama would fail because Rush understood that if Obama's plan worked the nation would find misery.
We found that misery; Obama's plan worked.
When government is the source of all, it is responsible for all.
Well, now we know how he could afford all those guns. Uncle Sam!
When government is the source of all, it is responsible for all.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Obama Has Made the Mistake of Defining Liberalism as What it Really is......
..;. the coward's course to Marx
Washington Examiner:
Tyrrell is head cheerleader of the effort to hang the fading of liberal policy on the president, writing in his book that Obama is the "pallbearer" of liberalism.
Ice T on Gun Rights Amid the Colorado Shooting....
I do not believe this was the conversation Martin Bashir was expecting.
I do not believe this was the conversation Martin Bashir was expecting.
Rapper Ice-T Defends Gun Rights: Rapper and actor Ice-T gave a succinct interview in which he explained why the right to bear arms is not the cause of the recent shooting in Colorado:
Of course Ice T is correct. Nuts do nutty things.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Would it Have Turned Out Differently if They had Been There to Kill People?
Perhaps if old fart had been disarmed...
Trust your citizens not your government.
Perhaps if old fart had been disarmed...
Trust your citizens not your government.
Lord Govt...
31 The Lord Govt was in wrath, and said, “For I am the Lord Govt, creator of Eden! 32 I gave unto you the roads and bridges, and schools and cops, brought unto you of gentle showers of Tarp and Stimulus and rivers of Subsidy, I am the purifier of the waters, cleanser of the air, without which you and your profits would not exist. Thus all that thou have created is created by Us. Thus ye shall render unto Govt what is Govt's, and this is the Word of your Lord.”
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
If Government Was the Source of Prosperity it would not be Taxing the Private Sector...
"If you've got a business, you didn't build that..." - Obama.
"If you've got a business, you didn't build that..." - Obama.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Our un-American President's Ever Lengthening List of American Hate...
Only an un-American individual can say and believe that government is the source of prosperity when it was and is the prosperity of the private sector that funded government...
look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something -- there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. (Applause.)
If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own.
Perhaps Obama simply hates America.
- Look to our friends in Eastern Europe. Both the Chech Republic and Poland thrown to the Russian bear. A gift to Russia.
- Look to Honduras: following their constitutional law and removing a man from power for unconstitutionally attempting to remove his term limits. Who does the administration support? The would-be tyrant and friend of Chavez, of course.
- Now this below...
A strong communist nation is good for our would and should not be contained? Could an American President have said this? Sadly, yes. The O.
Is there a communist/socialist or tyrannical nation not supported over a democratic nation by this man?
But, of course, he can fall back on his educated cultural sensibilities (recall "merci beaucoup") and:

Perhaps video of the photo above will better explain:
How many times did he bow? I lost count...
But what is his history in this respect? How about this video:
Perhaps he feels it is prudent to show respect. Lets see how expresses his respect for one of our closest allies:
Sigh: Perhaps President Obama is attempting to meet cultural expectations. Can he meet the expectations of his own country?(H/T Ace) :
Again. Who is this man?
In yet another move, apparently to humiliate an ally of the United States, Obama disrespects Netanyahu.
Bejamin Netanyahu was left to stew in a White House meeting room for over an hour after President Barack Obama abruptly walked out of tense talks to have supper with his family.
(Obama) immediately presented Mr Netanyahu with a list of 13 demands...
When the Israeli prime minister stalled, Mr Obama rose from his seat declaring: "I'm going to the residential wing to have dinner with Michelle and the girls."
As he left, Mr Netanyahu was told to consider the error of his ways. "I'm still around," Mr Obama is quoted by Israel's Yediot Ahronot newspaper as having said. "Let me know if there is anything new."
For over an hour, Mr Netanyahu and his aides closeted themselves in the Roosevelt Room on the first floor of the White House to map out a response to the president's demands.
"There is no humiliation exercise that the Americans did not try on the prime minister and his entourage," Israel's Maariv newspaper reported. "Bibi received in the White House the treatment reserved for the president of Equatorial Guinea."
The true embarrassment is our imperialistic President of arrogance. Any president who disrespects a visiting head of state, an ally, in this manner is a lost soul.
Perhaps soulless doesn't cover it. Obama also ushered the Dali Lama out of the back door of the white house past the garbage.

What kind of man treats allies and friends with such disrespect. Who is Obama?
In Nov 2009 Obama was busy bowing to Chinese President Hu Jintao. At around the one minute mark Obam gives multiple bows and one that is quite deep...
Update: 4/12/10
Sigh...Yet another bow to Chinese President Hu Jintao.

It's About Time Romney Put Fast and Furious on the Table...
Here's to hoping Romney is no McCain...
Here's to hoping Romney is no McCain...
fast and furious,
gun runner,
gun walker,
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Keynes - Clashing With Reality bit Still Standing...
Peter Ferrara
In other words we traded real debt for no lasting gain. Keynes failed, FDR failed. The nation suffered.
We saw it again with the conclusion of WWII which was followed not by boom but by bust in the recession of 1945.
And in the most glaring example there is Japan which continuous the feel good Keynesian stimulus that has resulted not in boom, but a full generation of economic stagnancy. In Japan we see firsthand the real loss that was transferred to the unborn when Japanese leaders chose Keynesian solutions.
Those unborn are now young adults enduring the fiscal abuse metered out by elders who asked themselves:
Peter Ferrara
The now once again thoroughly discredited, failed Keynesian economics survives intellectually only because it provides cover to the politicians, and to their leftist media cheerleaders, to do what they want to do, which is spend like spoiled children, and not pay for it. But it is long past time for the rest of us to recognize Keynesian doctrine for the now outright intellectual corruption it is, and to hold the Keynesians personally accountable for it.
Worst of all are the most ardent, hysterical and blind media advocates of Keynesianism, like Paul Krugman, who after Obama and his runaway all time government spending spree has taken America to the brink of fiscal insolvency, like a drunken back seat driver belches us on to accelerate even faster on our current course into the inevitable crash and burn.
That needs to be recognized as a form of personal lunacy, for which the only real solution appears to be the restoration of the laws providing for involuntary commitment.
In other words we traded real debt for no lasting gain. Keynes failed, FDR failed. The nation suffered.
We saw it again with the conclusion of WWII which was followed not by boom but by bust in the recession of 1945.
And in the most glaring example there is Japan which continuous the feel good Keynesian stimulus that has resulted not in boom, but a full generation of economic stagnancy. In Japan we see firsthand the real loss that was transferred to the unborn when Japanese leaders chose Keynesian solutions.
Those unborn are now young adults enduring the fiscal abuse metered out by elders who asked themselves:
Why not leave our children and grandchildren with debt? Why do they get to be the special generation with no debt?and chose poorly.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
The Obama Effect -- Reliving the Past Ignoring the Present
Reliving Hope denied does no favors to a record of failure.
Enjoy Hollywood:
McCarthy was right.
Reliving Hope denied does no favors to a record of failure.
Enjoy Hollywood:
McCarthy was right.
Rob Portman: Taxes Suck and Obama Lies...
Ohio Senator Rob Portman:
This is nothing new....
Ohio Senator Rob Portman:
Analysis of the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) final report on what caused the January 2001 projection of a $5.6 trillion 10-year surplus to turn into an actual $6.1 trillion deficit over that 10-year period shows that:
The tax policies enacted a decade ago are responsible for just 16 percent of the swing from surplus to deficit. Furthermore, given that only about one-fourth of the tax cuts went to upper-income earners, just 1/25th of the decline from surpluses to deficits resulted from upper-income tax cuts. (NOTE: Given that CBO does not take into account any of the positive impact of tax cuts on investment, savings and economic growth, the percentage was actually even smaller than the 1/25th estimate)
In a second report, the CBO said that in both 2008 and 2009, the highest-earning 20 percent of taxpayers paid 94 percent of the total income tax burden – up from 86 percent in 2007, and 81 percent before the 2001 tax cuts. In other words, higher-income Americans have been paying a bigger and bigger part of the total tax burden under the so-called “Bush tax cuts.”
This is nothing new....
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Romney Earning My Respect...
Romney speaking before the NAACP...
National Journal:
Romney speaking before the NAACP...
National Journal:
Undaunted, the man seeking to unseat the nation's first African-American president stood calmly before a group of his most fervent supporters and informed them that he, not Obama, is the one they've been waiting for.
"If you want a president who will make things better in the African American community, you are looking at him," Romney told the crowd, pausing for added emphasis. As scattered boos echoed throughout the audience, Romney offered an unscripted -- and uncharacteristic -- display of bravado. "You take a look," he nodded.
American Leftists Pursuing Leftist European Collapse...
Government is too large and has stifled private sector productivity.
The well has run dry in Europe.
It is a fact that as government spending (as a percent of GDP) increases, real GDP growth decreases. So says the totality of the data provided by the IMF. No Krugman-esk slicing an dicing of the data here:
Dan Mitchell of CATO has it right on FOX:
Government is too large and has stifled private sector productivity.
The well has run dry in Europe.
It is a fact that as government spending (as a percent of GDP) increases, real GDP growth decreases. So says the totality of the data provided by the IMF. No Krugman-esk slicing an dicing of the data here:
Dan Mitchell of CATO has it right on FOX:
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Tax Cuts for Those Making Under 250K...
Of course, this is not a call for tax cuts for those making under 250k - will anyone's taxes decrease from what they pay now? - it is a call to take money out of the private sector during a depression by raising taxes on those making more than 250k.
What is most galling?
we cannot afford to spend on tax breaks for the wealthy.
That your money, that thing you trade your time on Earth to accumulate, is assumed by Obama to be government's first when he refers to people keeping their time on Earth, their money, an expense to government.
If our time on Earth is Obama's first, which is the only way the only way keeping our time on Earth can become an expense to him, then Obama considers us all slaves to him.
Allen West is right when he says of Obama:
He does not want you to have the self-esteem of getting up and earning, and having that title of American. He'd rather you be his slave.
Allen West,
imperial Obama,
time on earth
Should We Really Focus on What Romney Does With His Money Rather than What Obama Does With Ours?
--- And should we really consider removing more money from our leaden economy?
Brain-trust Obama believes so...
--- And should we really consider removing more money from our leaden economy?
Brain-trust Obama believes so...
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Has Obama freed black Americans from the liberal plantation by showing them just how awful it is?
First it was Morgan Freeman, then it was Tavis Smiley and Cornel West, now it is Black Pastors:
Politics et al:
Has Obama freed black Americans from the liberal plantation by showing them just how awful it is?
First it was Morgan Freeman, then it was Tavis Smiley and Cornel West, now it is Black Pastors:
Politics et al:
Black Pastors: Pride In Obama Has Turned to Shame | The Gateway Pundit
A group of 1,300 black pastors called on blacks to withhold their support for Barack Obama.
Newsmax reported:
Has Obama freed black Americans from the liberal plantation by showing them just how awful it is?
More African Amercian Distancing from Obama...
First it was Morgan Freeman, now it is Tavis Smiley and Cornel West:
Is the failed presidential leadership (Black unemployment "ticked up" to 14.4% from 13.6% in May) of Obama so great that he is fracturing the black-liberal vote?
First it was Morgan Freeman, now it is Tavis Smiley and Cornel West:
PBS Host Questions Obama's Genuine Love for Black People
Is the failed presidential leadership (Black unemployment "ticked up" to 14.4% from 13.6% in May) of Obama so great that he is fracturing the black-liberal vote?
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Liberal confusion over the meaning fascism has as its source an attempt at self denial.
Fascism finds no home under liberty as embraced by our founders, as embraced by libertarians, as embraced by the Tea Party, or as embraced by conservatives.
Fascism does, however, find a home where individual liberty is rejected and where government is embraced as moral - the liberal heart.