“It’s a sad day when the President of the United States uses taxpayer dollars to travel around the country ridiculing and provoking those taxpayers with whom he disagrees, but this is what we get when the ‘cool’ guy wins.Video
What is up with the President's berating, ridiculing, and belittling of opponents and Americans in general?
Countries tend to unite against exogenous threats while dividing over internal differences. Look to how the US responded to WW2 as compared to how the US responded to the divisive issues that lead to the Civil War.
As president, Obama has, at every move, attempted to relegate international controversies to the back burner. He has ignored Iran's nuclear ambitions. Ignored Russian aggression against Georgia. Ignored North Korea's nuclear brinkmanship. He has left the troops in Iraq against campaign promises. He increased troop involvement in Afghanistan. More recently he has expressed displeasure toward Netanyahu for allowing new settlements to be built.
These moves all add up to one thing.... status quo. Obama is attempting to keep international world controversies small and distant.
Within our boarders, though, his every move is labeled historic. From election to the passage of his health-care bill we have been knee deep in history.
During early talks with conservatives Obama declared "I won." shutting off further bipartisanship.
Divisive first start.
During the greatest economic downturn since the 30's Obama has focused exclusively on a health-care plan most Americans say no to. He was instrumental in pushing ObamaCare through the congress with the help of Brad Miller, despite the will of the people as expressed in elections that occurred concurrently with the health-care debate and culminated with the election of Scott Brown.
Divisive policy.
Throughout the debate Obama belittled adversaries from individuals like Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh to the whole of the Tea Party movement.
President Barak Obama says he believes the Tea Party is built around a "core group" of people who question whether he is a U.S. citizen and believe he is a socialist.Is there any doubt that attacking Americans for expressing their right to free speech is divisive?.
At the health-care round table Obama attacked McCain for campaigning when Obama, himself, had done little else for the entire year.
After McCain used his time to complain that Obama reneged on a campaign promise to bring "change in Washington," the president bluntly told the Arizona Republican that "we're not campaigning any more. The election is over."These sorts of sarcastic attacks do not unify.
McCain retorted that he's "reminded of that every day."
Then after Obama's contentious health-care bill was finally signed he chose divisive rhetoric over that of a uniter...
On Thursday, the president challenged Republicans who planned to campaign on repealing his health-care bill with, "Go for it."Divisive.
Currently Obama is yet again belittling Sarah Palin. In response to her criticisms of his foreign policy he said...
“I really have no response to that. The last I checked, Sarah Palin is not much of an expert on nuclear issues,” Obama said in an interview with ABC News…
A divisive statement, to be sure.
The current foreign policy issues swirling around Obama's treatment of Netanyahu would, it seems, not to fit with Obama's desire of keeping foreign issues distant. Ask yourself, though, is any of the disrespect shown to Netanyahu likely to change the political dynamics in the region during Obama's presidency, or is it more likely to cause frustration and divisiveness within the United States up front with the real geopolitical damage only coming to the fore after Obama's departure?
Also, I believe Obama has calculated that Netanyahu is as unlikely as the rest our allies to react negatively to his disrespect toward them, favoring, instead, to wait his presidency out.
Has there ever been a president who is so divisive? Obama clearly wishes to turn America against itself. I can not imagine to what end, though. What ever it is it can't possibly be good for America.
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