
There is no free in liberty.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Brad Miller NC-13 -- Infantilizing our Doctors...


I have children in school and have learned that one of my metrics for evaluating a teacher's quality is no longer valid.

As a student I learned that quality teachers that care, have heart, and do a good job relaying the information wrote their own tests and ran them off on a copier. My poor teachers, being lazy, used premade book tests. These tests often had questions that didn't match the material taught while this was never a problem in classes that were headed by teachers who were capable of formulating their own tests.

This metric no longer works, though. Teachers are no longer allowed to make their own tests. Tests and teaching has been sterilized of the love, color and character that brought interesting lessons. Our teachers are not trusted to do their jobs and are instead forced to deliver knowledge, prepackaged and stale. Not only is this sad for our students, but it is sad that many quality teachers have been infantiliized by Brad Miller.

Brad Miller, after helping to guide our educators toward the dry and gray, has lent his vote toward a plan that does the same to doctors. Choices will be predetermined, cures will be prepackaged with devastating results. Doctors will no longer be allowed to treat their patients as they feel is required. They will have been infantilized by the state just as the teachers have been.

In the end we will have fewer doctors.
“If you voted for Obamacare, be aware these doors will close before it goes into effect.” The note is signed Joseph M. Scherzer M.D. and includes the following addendum: “****Unless Congress or the Courts repeal the BILL

Fire Brad Miller this November. Brad Miller weakens North Carolina and America.


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