
There is no free in liberty.


Monday, April 12, 2010

Brad Miller NC-13 Polls, polls


Update: This is an old post that gets a lot of hits. Here is a more recent generic poll by Gallup on likely voter turnout as of mid October.

There have been no direct polls taken of Rep Brad Miller's NC-13 district as of 10/10/2010.
There have, however, been general polls taken may be indicative of NC-13 sentiments.

Governance through broken consent...

Three weeks after Congress passed its new national health care plan, support for repeal of the measure has risen four points to 58%. That includes 50% of U.S. voters who strongly favor repeal.

50% strongly favor repeal!

Update: More polls here.

Only a third (33%) of North Carolina voters believe the health care law will be good for the country, while most (59%) expect it to be bad.

A majority (57%) in North Carolina also oppose the health care legislation's requirement that every American buy or obtain health insurance, including 47% who strongly oppose it. Thirty-eight percent (38%) favor the requirement, with 25% who strongly favor it.

Fifty-two percent (52%) approve their state bringing a lawsuit against the federal government challenging the constitutionality of that requirement. Thirty-five percent (35%) oppose such a lawsuit.

Fifty-two percent (52%) of North Carolina voters say their views on the major issues of the day are closer to the views of the average Tea Party member than to those of President Obama. Thirty-five percent (35%) say their views are more in line with the president's.



  1. You ought to at least learn how to spell interpretation, even if you can't interpret it.

  2. Thank you.

    I have found no rhyme or reason in the way many English words are spelled. Memorization seems to be the key to spelling well.

    Perhaps, you can see how a rational mind that frees itself from rigid thought inspired by memorization may find spelling tedious.
