
There is no free in liberty.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Brad Miller NC-13 -- Interesting District 13 Stats


These stats point to how unhelpful people like Dennis Berwyn are. In fact, the tone of his attacks on the Fair Tax sound like they read from a liberal talking points memo and leads me to question who he is really aligned with. Attacking the character of the candidates (Randall or Reeves) only serves to strengthen Brad Miller.

On to the Stats..

Via the NYTimes:

Times Rating Solid Democrat
rad Miller (D)

Has held this office for 7 years.

Primary Date May 4
Runoff Date June 22

May 4 Primary Results

Brad Miller

William Randall 5,873 32%

Bernie Reeves 5,739 31%

Dan Huffman 4,896 27%

Frank Hurley 1,548 8%

Since no candidate received the required 50 percent of votes in the Republican primary, a runoff will be held on June 22. 
Previous House Election Results

2002 2004  2006  2008







Drawing the lines of your own district certainly helps in protecting your seat when governing through Broken Consent.



  1. I had decided we ought to cool down our little debate about Bill Randall saying he was going to abolish the IRS to get votes -- but then you go and call me a liberal.

    Alright, let's both cool down (and be civil) and move on to another issue: In his campaign video (on his website) Randall pledges he'll increase surveillance of terrorists; but, to get their endorsement, he told the ‘Campaign for Liberty’ he was for repealing The Patriot Act – President Bush’s key domestic surveillance program. That looks like politics to me -- how do you see it? Best, Dennis

  2. Linking the repeal of the Patriot Act to the end of surveillance is a false argument. We had surveillance prior to the Patriot Act and we would continue to have surveillance if the Patriot Act were to end. The fact is that the Patriot Act and surveillance are not one on the same.

    I have a love/hate relationship with the Patriot Act. It offends my desire for liberty, but Islamofascists threaten liberty as well.

    I suspect Bill Randall feels the same tug-of-war over our liberty that we all do in respect to the Patriot Act. Both wanting the repeal of the Patriot Act as well as desiring protection from Islamofascists does not strike m as odd and I suspect most people feel this way.

    I am willing to tolerate the Patriot Act as it will likely end as success is realized. Like most wartime bills its abuse of individual liberty will only be tolerated for a limited time.

    For example:

    In Dec. 1941 on the 19th Roosevelt signed the War Powers Bill which, among other things, gave the government the power of censorship. (http://alturl.com/ma3r)

    Where is the War Powers Bill now? It died like the Patriot Act will one day die. With success. With victory.
