
There is no free in liberty.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Bev Perdue Kicking it Local ...


Via BlueRidgeNow:
Studying Gov. Bev Perdue's proposed budget cuts has Gary Pace of Saluda sensing the smell of fear. “The state is trying to put it all back to the counties to pay for things, and you know what that means. It's going to fall back on property owners,” he says. “Homeowners, especially senior citizens, can't bear much more. When you get to a point you can't work much, it's even harder to make ends meet. You have the same bills, but your income doesn't get any better. What needs to be studied is the size of government. It's way too big and costing us dearly.”

I would like to mention to Gary Pace of Saluda that when state funded initiatives are kicked down to the local level the perception of the funding changes from a continuing expense that may be difficult to cut at the state level to a new expense that will require new funding at the local level. It is likely this dynamic would result in the smaller government he seeks in those localities not willing to absorb the new costs.

Considering the party Perdue represents this course of action seems odd.


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