Scott Brown 52-47
Don't diss a man's truck. ;)

Update 1:
From Erick Erickson:
Obama’s Unicorn of Hope and Change Died Under the Weight of Ted Kennedy’s Ego
Update 2:
And the Fuhrer seems a might displeased with the results this evening....
Update 3:
Obama was sworn into office 1 year ago today. When stumping for Coakley he was unable to fill a 3000 seat auditorium. Compare that with a year ago. Within a year he has squandered the totality of his political capital. He has nothing to show for it but Keynesian derived deficits and....and....NOTHING.
This result shouldn't come a a surprise when the leadership chooses to inflate a balloon of public interest in health care. Seriously, who would be discussing health care if our leaders where not endlessly focussed on it and as a result inflating interest? "It's the economy stupid" applies more today than anytime in my life.
On the other hand, real damage could have been done to our economy had Obama attacked it instead of failing with heath care.
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