
There is no free in liberty.


Friday, February 10, 2012

The Contraception Mandate is Really About ObamaCare Awfulness...


We repeatedly hear words to the effect that the Contraception Mandate is an Obama administration decision, decree or executive order. Huh? Under what authority?

The authority comes from ObamaCare. That means, simply put, this "contraception issue" is not about contraception, but rather a fundamental clash between ObamaCare and 1st amendment rights. ObamaCare is imposing  one-size-fits-all solutions that does not fit all and never will. Catholics by definition are restrained by religious belief from supporting contraception yet ObamaCare is forcing the Catholic church to break its own religious doctrine.

We are a diverse people in this nation. Why does Obama repeatedly disrespect our diversity?

  • The Obama justice department attempted to force religious institutions to hire and fire without regard to the employee's religious beliefs. (Forced Hiring)
  • Catholic churches were not allowed to opt out of ObamaCare based on conscience clause due to abortion. (Forced Abortions)

All your moral are belong to us.


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