
There is no free in liberty.


Saturday, December 31, 2011

Piety as a Pretense...


Where are all the benevolent tyrants? There are none. There are only those who use piety as a pretense for non pious rule.

That piety may come in different forms, such as religious piety (theocracy) or duty bound piety (atheocracy). Whereas the former’s power is circumscribed by the religion that empowers those who rule via a religious citizenry, the latter enjoys no such restraint, as duty bound piety is piety toward self.

The truer danger, then, is the atheocratic regime which is bounded by no wrong. History points to this. Pick your theocracy then pick your athocracy and compare the suffering under each. Based on sheer number of dead no theocracy can match the accomplishments of the atheocratic regimes of China, Russia, Nazi Germany, or N. Korea.

Does that make a theocracy desirable? No. But it is preferable to the atheocratic rejection of all religion.
There is a third way.

It is one that requires no false piety, as it is a choice that does not  adopt a single religion for empowerment and it is a choice that does not reject all religion leaving  only self in the form of duty from which rule is empowered.

That third way is the inclusion of all the various religions or the lack thereof as legitimate voices informing a representative democracy.

Our nation originally chose option three, but unfortunately that third way requires a degree of tolerance the intolerant atheists among us find intolerable and it is they who are slowly forcing us toward the greatest threat to liberty, an atheocracy.


Friday, December 30, 2011

Three For the Smile File...



Kelly Clarkson Expresses Support for Ron Paul -- How Refreshing...


Actually, if she had come out in favor of any of the Conservatives running for president it would have been a refreshing change from  the long stale liberal drum beat emanating from her chosen industry...


"I love Ron Paul,” Clarkson tweeted Wednesday night.. “I liked him a lot during the last Republican nomination and no one gave him a chance. If he wins the nomination for the Republican party in 2012 he's got my vote. Too bad he probably won't."

The resulting ruckus from the intolerant left has been amusing.


Where Is the Tea Party's National Voice?


There seems to be no unified national Tea Party voice in this primary but, interestingly, the same could be said of the Tea Party during the mid term races a couple of years ago.

During those races the Tea Party's influence rose no higher than offices decided by state vote. There being no presidential election there was no need for a unified national voice. All that was needed at that time was a unified state voice that could be tailored to the elections of specific states, the result of which repeated across the nation allowed for a changed congress.

If the Tea Party is a force more interested in affecting change from the local level  up to but not including the presidency as has so far been the case, then perhaps we have an explanation for the Tea Party's seeming disinterest or, perhaps, weakness in the current primaries.

The Tea Party may not be a force best used on the presidential level.

I may be becoming OK with that. Given the choice, I believe we are better served by  a potent force focused on all offices but the presidency than  one focused on the presidency to the detriment of lesser offices.

History points to that consideration.  Over the past 75 years the Democrat party has faired less well in presidential races than in all those offices below the level of the presidency.  Democrat success was more in controlling the generation of legislation for 75 years rather than controlling its veto.

I suppose the result is that my tolerance for the individual these presidential primaries produce is much greater than my tolerance for every other office.


Monday, December 26, 2011

Newt - Victory or Death...



Know That CNN Interview Ron Paul Ditched? ... Didn't Happen...


Interviews are not only much better when they flow naturally from those involved, but they are more informative than edited versions due to the inherently greater degree of honesty in the presentation.

But CNN doubles down on that dishonesty. Note the CNN logo in the corner. It is clear that CNN was aware of what truly transpired during this interview, yet when an untrue story describing Paul as having stormed off CNN chose to remain silent in the face of that untruth.

Way to exercise that freedom of speech power to bend the truth, CNN

[Originally posted wrong video ... fixed]


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas to All...


...and to all a good Christmas day.


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

Ode To The Welfare State...




Paul Unites Some on the Left With Some on the Right, but His Newsletter Controversy Divides Them From Everyone Else...

Yeah, those newsletters suck and as Gillespie writes, they should be confronted by Paul...

Paul is going to need to deal with the newsletter issue more directly than he has so far, especially if he doesn't want it to loom larger and larger as the stakes get higher. He is actually in control of the issues that most vex contemporary America, which have nothing to do with affirmative action, "racial terrorism," or the transmission of AIDS via saliva. He is running against Republicans who were for individual mandates in health care long before they were against them or who seriously invoke sharia law as a threat to the American way of life, and he faces a possible general election against a president with low approval ratings precisely because he passed his awful health care, bailout, and stimulus plans, among other things. As Friedersdorf argues, Paul actually has a far better record on matters that directly affect the minorities slagged so disturbingly in his newsletters.

As I've argued elsewhere and often, Paul is providing the alternative that Americans are craving in politics.That alternative, by definition, is going to discomfit conventional politicians and politicos who are more concerned with whether their party is in power than what is done with that power; with whether deficits and entitlements and "defense" spending will bankrupt the country; with whether Americans should be treated like adults when it comes to deciding what to eat, smoke, and drink. Paul is not the perfect vessel for a libertarian message, but waiting for perfection is something ideologues insist on. Most of us are far more interested in someone who at least has shown he understands the most pressing issues of the moment - and the future.
Whether Paul can fully deliver on the promise he's shown so far may well rest upon the way that he puts the newsletter issue to bed, once and for all.

Emphasis Added.


SOPA Fails But It Will Return...

Jeffery Tucker:

Then suddenly I received a take-down notice from a big magazine. The text itself was from their publication and the recording was unauthorized. It was a remix.

I explained that I had nothing to do with making the recording; I was merely linking it, and, moreover, I had no idea of the source. This settle nothing: the company was relentless in demanding either credit or take down. I was blown away by this. The Youtube poster from whom I linked had in fact credited the source. In any case, if they didn’t want someone to record the text, they shouldn’t have put it online. And, what’s more, why be upset about this? It is a great thing to have published something that someone else found worthy of spreading and remixing.

But the correspondent didn’t buy it.
The advocates of SOPA hear everything I just described as the glorification of piracy and looting on a mass scale. Collaboration is stealing. Learning is theft. Passing on and linking is graft. You can look, but you can’t act. You can hear, but not learn. There should be no consumption without contract and no competition under any circumstances.

To see an analogy of how they see the digital, consider television. Each channel does something different and their is no relationship between the channels. Each exists on its own. You are either watching one or you are watching another. It is ridiculous to speak of collaboration between them. No one “links” from one channel to another. We are not content providers to television. We are pure consumers, and a strict wall separates us from producers. This is the old world way of doing things, and it is precisely what the Internet changed everything.

Creative content should not be owned any longer than a drug patent grants ownership,  neither should adding to creative content with proper citations be impermissible, as ownership of knowledge is anathema to knowledge itself.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

OWS Grows Up?


But never matured...

From HotAir:


Monday, December 19, 2011

Bev Perdue's - BLS BS...


People play the market with this sort of info, and if investment "coincidences" come to light...

Carolina Journal:

Since as early as January 2011, and perhaps before then, Gov. Bev Perdue’s press office has received access to confidential employment data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics hours if not days before its scheduled release, quite likely in violation of federal law. The governor’s staff used its early access to massage the monthly employment press release that reported jobs data to the public.


This is no small matter: A conviction for breaching the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002 carries a fine of up to $250,000, up to five years in prison, or both.


“BLS does not support the release of employment and unemployment data before the established dates and times,” said Janet Rankin, BLS regional commissioner for the southeast office in Atlanta in an email.

CJ initially suspected Perdue was receiving employment information that was under embargo in August, when she discussed information in the jobs report at a meeting of the Rotary Club of Asheville the day before the data were released to the public.
Obama dragged a lot of crap in with those coattails of his. 


Democracies Under a Non Democratic Union are Not Democracies


There are many ways to loose a democratic republic and we are witnessing European Social Democratic states loose theirs as  they forego democracy with every shift of sovereignty toward the EU in an effort to save the social bit in "social democracy". They could soon be left with an unaccountable social state.

The EU is quickly becoming what the Soviet Empire once was:

...an organization that can sue us, but is immune from any forms of prosecution and whose managers enjoy the same immunity; there are no independent reviewers and no existing laws apply; governments can not take action against it? Europe's national budgets in the hands of one single unelected intergovernmental organization? Is that the future of Europe? Is that the new EU? A Europe devoid of sovereign democracies?


Hmm, Now PPP Puts Paul in the Lead in Iowa ... And They Are Not Alone...


PPP  Paul 23, Romney 14, Gingich 10:
Newt Gingrich's campaign is rapidly imploding, and Ron Paul has now taken the lead in Iowa.  He's at 23% to 20% for Mitt Romney, 14% for Gingrich, 10% each for Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, and Rick Perry, 4% for Jon Huntsman, and 2% for Gary Johnson.

Gingrich has now seen a big drop in his Iowa standing two weeks in a row.  His share of the vote has gone from 27% to 22% to 14%.  And there's been a large drop in his personal favorability numbers as well from +31 (62/31) to +12 (52/40) to now -1 (46/47). Negative ads over the last few weeks have really chipped away at Gingrich's image as being a strong conservative- now only 36% of voters believe that he has 'strong principles,' while 43% think he does not.

Insider Advantage - Paul 24, Romny 18, Perry 16, Gingrich 13


Intrade also has him wining,


Shucks, it Looks Fine to Me...


From the mail bag.
Give it a moment then try again.

7H15 M3554G3 53RV35 7O PR0V3 H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5! 1MPR3551V3 7H1NG5! 1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG 17 WA5 H4RD BU7 N0W, 0N 7H15 LIN3 Y0UR M1ND 1S R34D1NG 17 4U70M471C4LLY W17H 0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17, B3 PROUD! 0NLY C3R741N P30PL3 C4N R3AD 7H15.
PL3453 F0RW4RD 1F U C4N R34D 7H15 :)


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Capitalism's Corruption a Statist Seduction...



Capitalism, as Communism is merely a system of codified rules.

Any system made be men can be corrupted by men.

Such was the case of Havel's Communism and that is the present case with the Capitalism of the US, presently.

Communism is not corrupted by man. Communism's corruption, as well as its failure, is that it attempts to reshape man in its own soulless image. Man is not a thing to be shaped, but rather a being to be reflected.

And that is Capitalism's strength; it is a reflection of mankind's natural tendencies toward trade,  competition and liberty.

Thus, much of the corruption we see today is the direct result of a slow drift from a nation constructed on man's natural competitive and liberated condition toward a non competitive man dependent on the state that molded him.

And, as I have argued elsewhere, the solution to the problem of corruption is a reduced government, as a reduction in government would dry the teat upon which corruption feeds.  Alternatively, we can turn on one another, silencing  particular groups  for taking an unfair share of the government's milk, as OWS argues, and feed on a strengthened, fattened government teat ... while it lasts.


Enderaing all Via a Charming Defiance ...


NY Times:
In his very brave and very public dying, though, one could see again why so many religious people felt a kinship with him. When stripped of Marxist fairy tales and techno-utopian happy talk, rigorous atheism casts a wasting shadow over every human hope and endeavor, and leads ineluctably to the terrible conclusion of Philip Larkin’s poem “Aubade” — that “death is no different whined at than withstood.”

I can not help but notice an inundation of wonderfully prepared critiques of Hitchens, both positive and negative, since his death earlier this week.  Perhaps it should not only be expected but respected, however the sheer volume and frequently overly sculpted texture of the prose suggests a preparation for an individual's death that strikes me as unseemly and hinting of possible selfism.

That said, I suspect Hitchens would respect much of the effort expended in attempting to match his prose, ghoulish as it might be.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Jon Corzine Was Right...


... not sure about what, though. Well, aside from sideling up to the gifters:


Antifrackers Fracturing Prosperity...


The Fiscal Times:
...Here’s the story: the EPA says tests it conducted in Pavillion, Wyoming “indicate that ground water in the aquifer contains compounds likely associated with gas production practices, including hydraulic fracturing.” However, it turns out that the EPA drilled two monitoring wells to some 900 feet – much deeper than water wells which are usually at about 300 feet – and indeed found hydrocarbons. In short, they drilled into the natural gas reservoir that has long attracted industry producers. It may the single most productive moment in EPA history.

Antifrackers already know the answers, they just need the "science" to bridge the gap between what we know and those answers. Until then expect endless questions regarding safety, regulation, how this may effect that, and every possible future outcome that does not positively effect our state and nation.

If history has proven anything it is that prosperity is difficult enough to achieve without luddites not only fearing, but actively rejecting that which nourishes prosperity.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Could Ron Paul Truly Be Pulling Even With Newt?


First off, this is a PPP poll, so any results prior to the two or three week period before an election should be taken with a grain of salt.

The StateColumn:

Ron Paul (R-TX), a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, tied former House Speaker Newt Gingrich in the latest Public Policy Polling poll of Iowa GOP caucusgoers. Mr. Paul garnered 21 percent of the votes to pull even with Mr. Gingrich who earned 22 percent of the votes. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney took third place with 16 percent of the votes.

However, if true, I could swallow some  foreign policy aberrations for the whole of the package. Paul has always been my first choice without hope of ever becoming one.  Lets hope he does.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Is More Gold Traded Than Exists? Seems So...


FEC consolidates the word on re-hypothecation at Zerohedge that I am too lazy to sift through.

Based on the posts and comments, it appears there is a higher inventory of gold than truly exists which suggests that the physical stuff is underpriced as some demand is currently satiated by the purchase of paper gold.

What would the current price of gold be if all demand was satiated by only the physical stuff?

Explore the link at Fecundstench.


Newt, Boxing the Ears of a Meme -- Palestine...



Remember there was no Palestine as a state. It was part of the Ottoman Empire. And I think that we've had an invented Palestinian people, who are in fact Arabs, and were historically part of the Arab community.

Wild Bill on Palestine:

Really, sometimes common sense smacks a meme upside the head.


The Path to Economic Growth is Less Government Spending -- So Says the ... European Central Bank?


The Study (PDF):

…we analyse a wide set of 108 countries composed of both developed and emerging and developing countries, using a long time span running from 1970-2008, and employing different proxies for government size… Our results show a significant negative effect of the size of government on growth. …Interestingly, government consumption is consistently detrimental to output growth irrespective of the country sample considered (OECD, emerging and developing countries).

The quote above was pulled directly from Dan Mitchell's International Liberty.


(CBS) Wrong Direction? - 75% --- Obama's Plan Upon Reelection? - 66% Haven't a Clue...


...they just know its the wrong direction.

Holding office has a way of defining a candidate and I don't think people are buying more of what we've already been sold.


Saturday, December 10, 2011

So, Beck Called Me a Racist:


Lucky for him the race card is overdrawn.

If it worked that way...


Occupy Proving the Tragedy of the Commons in Cities Across America:


Occupy proves with each decampment the failure of their desire which, in essence, is a government mandated commons in which not just parks, but wealth is shared and consequently destroyed.

Boston Herald:

The Utopian dreamers of Occupy Boston are leaving behind a disgusting field of filth on the formerly scenic Rose Kennedy Greenway, where trees will have to be replanted, grass resodded, sprinklers repaired or replaced and the entire area power-hosed in a massive cleanup that could take weeks.


Exploring Government's Growth-Maximizing Level Via the Rahn Curve:


Although similar, a Laffer Curve it is not. The Rahm curve focuses on government spending and the point at which that spending maximizes economic output; is it 10% of GDP or closer to 90% of GDP? History provides the answer even if the present does not.

Yes, we need a modicum of government but, once again, more is not always better.


Is Obama a Moron or Does He Think We Are?


Washington Examiner

“However many jobs might be generated by a Keystone pipeline,” he said, “they’re going to be a lot fewer than the jobs that are created by extending the payroll tax cut and extending unemployment insurance.”

No commentary needed for this 57 state drivel except to ask, when does the dumb-ass meme begin for this drooling slack-jaw, from Harvard?

H/T DailyPundit


Running Out of Feel-Good Headlines? --- "Senior analysts and traders warned of impending bank failures as a summit intended to solve the European crisis failed to deliver a solution that eased concerns over bank funding"....


The Telegraph:

Senior analysts and traders warned of impending bank failures as a summit intended to solve the European crisis failed to deliver a solution that eased concerns over bank funding.

The European Central Bank admitted it had held meetings about providing emergency funding to the region's struggling banks, however City figures said a "collateral crunch" was looming.

"If anyone thinks things are getting better then they simply don't understand how severe the problems are. I think a major bank could fail within weeks," said one London-based executive at a major global bank.


"The system is creaking. There is a large amount of stress," said Anthony Peters, a strategist at Swissinvest, pointing to soaring interbank lending rates.

And from Instapundit, Europe's Great Divorce.


Friday, December 9, 2011

Feel Good Euro-Deal-Reached Headlines for the Headline Set...


Article title
: "Wall Street rebounds after EU deal, but more stress seen".

Oh! There has been a deal? Let's see what the article says:

An agreement on stricter budget rules for the euro zone went someway to address the structural problems behind the bloc's debt crisis, but investors said more was now needed to relieve stress in the region's troubled debt markets.

"Nothing really concrete has come out of that meeting yet, so it is a little surprising that we are seeing as much of an upturn as we have seen," said Peter Jankovskis, co-chief investment officer at OakBrook Investments in Lisle, Illinois.

And little later in the article:

The EU summit failed to secure changes to the EU treaty among all the member countries and investors warned the move was far from a panacea. Indications suggest the region is sliding into a recession and questions about how to bring down high sovereign debt yields are still unanswered.

And the market is up some 200 points.
Your call.


A Failed Generation:



Fabius Maximus responding to jonh:

(1) “I think it can be said the 60s and 70s people did significant positive things in their time.”

I was more specific, not refering to “people” but to young people (ie, boomers) in the 1965-1975 era. Whatever good the boomers did then as youngsters, we have been a disaster as adults for the Republic.

(2) “They participated and institutionalized the Civil Rights movement. Their work for the environment and creation of the EPA was a boon to our health and nature’s health.”

This is not accurate. The great era of civil rights legislation and executive action was mostly over by 1969, and the boomers had only a small role. The EPA was proposed by Nixon in 1969, and again the Boomers played only a small role.

(3) “but they did make significant changes.”

Taking the rose-colored glasses off, are the Boomers leaving America in better shape than they inherited it (as of what date? 1985?)

(4) “I have no documents or references to back up my feeling, but I think that when then boomers leave the political scene, good things will fall in place.”

Hope is not a plan. This sounds like something Professor Pangloss would say in Voltaire’s Candide. The ship is sinking; relying on hope that things will end well is a self-destructive.

(5) “Our generation largely believe in core Western values of freedom, merit, tolerance, and separation of power.”

Nobody cares what sheep believe. Citizens act together, which makes them powerful.

(6) “I think what keeps us from engaging in politics in a mainstream way is the disgust in the current regime our parents run.”

If only good excuses made the world better. It would be heaven!



Thursday, December 8, 2011

Just Sayin'...


The most difficult solutions to find are those to a problem already solved.


Hitler's Failed Euro Reich...


Creepy too:


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

There is No Right for Occupy to Occupy, So Says Judge Frances A. McIntyre...


Me on Occupy UC Davis over at Ed's place:

...Those students were not protesting non encampment regulation. They were there to "occupy".

And despite attempts to create a new right of occupation via the abuse of both the right to free speech and the right to freely assemble there is no right to occupy.

It appears that Judge Francis A. McIntyre agrees:


The judge ruled today: “... while Occupy Boston protesters may be exercising their expressive rights during their protest, they have no privilege under the First Amendment to seize and hold the land on which they sit.”

The judge goes on to say: “ ‘Occupation’ speaks of boldness, outrage, and a willingness to take personal risk but it does not carry the plaintiffs’ professed message. Essentially, it is viewed as a hostile act, an assertion of possession against the rights of another. The act of occupation, this court has determined as a matter of law, is not speech. Nor is it immune from criminal prosecution for trespass or other crimes.”


Purporting to Serve...


Free stuff, while pleasing on a theatric level, not only requires the unpleasing theft from some, but it results in the tragic theft of human dignity and betterment of those it purports to serve.

Lloyd Marcus:

While my cousins received free cradle-to-grave government handouts, they paid a devastating price for their dependency. They lost themselves -- their self-esteem, pride, and dignity. They lost the joy of success after failure. They lost the pursuit of their dreams. They lost the experience of developing their God-given gifts and talents. For perceived security, my cousins willingly remained slaves on the Democrats' government plantation.

Why would the Democrats desire to do this, you ask? In a nutshell, it is all about them. The more Americans dependent on government, the more Democrats are empowered.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Is Newt a "Frugal Socialist"?


Speaking with Beck, Bachman makes  a point that bothers me with Newt.  Right Scoop:

Responding to Newt’s justification of his support of the Prescription Drug entitlement that was passed under the Bush administration, Bachmann said:
It doesn’t help to have a frugal socialist. That’s really what we’re talking about is managing socialism and trying to be a frugal socialist.
What I’m saying is that – I’m saying a frugal socialist, yes! Because you’re looking at proposals and programs that are in effect redistribution of wealth and socialism-based, and are we going to have real change in the country or are we going to have frugal socialists?
(video at the link)

As much as I like Newt, I agree.

Newt is an intellectual first and anchored to ideology second.  As such, he has the ability, as all intellectuals do, to rationalize his way away from core beliefs. I believe this is why he occasionally runs afoul true conservatives from time to time.

He did this when he undercut Paul Ryan's budget as "right-wing social engineering" (arguable intellectually, but ideologically wanting).  He did it when discussing "a form of the individual mandate" being acceptable. He did it while straddling the global warming issue in a now familiar video of him sitting by Pelosi's side.

It leaves one to wonder where Newt might freely drift on the seas of intellectual rationalization once in office?

Without a doubt there is a lack of anchor in Newt's musings that allows Bachman's use of the term "frugal socialist" in reference to Newt.


China No Longer Owns America, The SSTF and The FED Do...


Business Insider:

Social Security trust fund: .........  $2.67 trillion (19 %)
The U.S. Treasury: .....................$1.63 trillion (11.3 %)
China: ........................................$1.16 trillion (8 %)
U.S. households: ........................$959.4 billion (6.6 %)
Japan: ........................................$912.4 billion (6.4 %)

Yeah, old news, but that seems to be going around lately.


Monday, December 5, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

John Stewart Over a Year Late...


On Sep 22, 2010 I said:

...But, still, one must ask how these banks are paying off TARP in this economic environment. Where is this profit coming from?

The answer, in large part, is that the Fed Reserve loans them money at under 1% that they then invest in T-Bills that return 3-5 percent. The bank profits are the result of the difference.

Think about that -- our government is loaning money at interest rates that no one else will ever see, with the exception of loans between family members, to banks that then fund our national debt. In essence TARP is being paid off on the backs of our children.

The result is that the government has in effect created a risk free environment for banks to operate which crowds out all riskier investments like making loans to you, me, or the business down the street. How does this affect us?

Here is Jon Stewart over a year late:

I guess they required the year to get the graphics right... and they are good.


Occupy Skewred by Stewart...


Yes, I missed this:


Fashioning Lies From Light ...


 The Truth behind the Pepper Spray Lies...

And what of the professional media guy with the big camera?   His unprofessional silence makes him as well as all others in attendance complicit in the pepper spray lie.

H/T Spag


Friday, December 2, 2011

Tax Deductable Donations to Pay Down the Federal Debt ... Tax Deductable?


Bruce Krasting:

The deep thinkers are putting into law the terms under which one could make a donation to the government with a designation that it be used to reduce the federal debt.

A law is required for this to establish that the donations are (of course) tax deductible. (Only in America.) I hope the Feds never collect a dime from this. If one had some extra bucks in his pocket, was feeling generous and looking for a tax break, there are an endless number of better alternatives than giving the dough to Uncle Sam. I think this is a dopey idea.

It seems to me that when one consid..........

Aww hell, we're boned, so boned.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Using Crises to Overcome Deliberation and Democracy...


Via Meadia:
Many of those who backed the euro understood very well that a monetary union without a political union would sooner or later fall into a crisis.  They assumed and expected that when that crisis came, the various countries in Europe would choose political union to save the currency.

Loosing liberty via the threat of calamity is nothing new ...
You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.

... even when it seems to be.


Can a Black Man Fly the Stars and Bars?


Island Packet:

The flag that the black 19-year-old University of South Carolina Beaufort student hung from his dorm room window is about Southern pride -- pride that even a black Southerner can feel, he said.


Thomas researched the history of the flag for a class project. That research convinced him the banner was about states' rights rather than slavery.

When he hung it from his window, he knew it might offend some people, he said, but he thought it was time to start reclaiming a symbol that earlier generations consider racist.

Among those upset by the flag were USCB's Office of Housing, which asked him to take it down two months after he displayed it.

USCB spokeswoman Candace Brasseur said the housing office heard complaints from students who were offended.

Brasseur said Thomas was told about two weeks ago he could hang it in his dorm room as long as his roommates didn't object.

What does the school do with this independent man who wonders off the plantation?

If he had been white he could have been silenced.  Being that he isn't he is currently being allowed the right to speak, but softly, while the school considers allowing him full access to speech and fly the Stars and Bars. 

Based on how he defines the Stars and Bars he is doing nothing to violate school bigotry codes, therefore he should be allowed to fly it.  Doing so, however, grants him  speech rights others do not enjoy, as those not of Byron Thomas' race are not granted the freedom to define the intent of their message.

It will be interesting to see what the school chooses.  Will the school allow him to define the intent of his message and fly the flag or if the school  restrains Thomas' freedom of speech but he chooses to fly the Stars and Bars anyway,  will they define his intent for him and brand a black man racist for straying off the plantation?

A few days ago I replied to a post at The Spag Report referencing  a Medved commentary:

So if a Christian refuses to vote for a devout Muslim solely because the candidate is a devout Muslim, wouldn't some people call that bigotry?
If that's the case, then what would you call a Jew who refuses to vote for a devout Christian solely because the candidate is a devout Christian?
Is Medved correct about why Jews vote for Democrats over Republicans, and is the fear that he mentions any more rational or justified than the fear some Christians have of Muslims?

I replied:

It we assume that being a part of particular demographic groups entitles one to special privileges, then it seems to me that if one were of a religious nature and were to come to the conclusion that a candidate's religious persuasion disqualified that candidate from receiving their vote, then that would be as acceptable as members of a like race using terms of racial derision as terms of endearment. In this case the demographic group is the religious.
If, however, one were not of a religious nature and voted against a candidate based on religion, then that may be construed by some as bigoted.

This reasoning would make 90% of Jews, those that are Jew in name only, potential candidates for bigotry.

It is interesting that the other 10% who through religious participation are allowed what would otherwise be bigoted voting practices, are instead freed to vote their interests. A case of enhanced individuality through religion.

Democratic group politics is needlessly complex.
Similar, no?
