Only three of the candidates have greater Tea Party support than rejection and they are Bachman, Gingrich, and Santorum. Of those three Santorum garners 23% of Tea Party respondents, Newt 18%, Bachman 15%.
Furthermore, Santorum's base is top tier, nearly tying with the bases of Paul and Romney, neither of which have Tea Party support in excess of Tea party rejection.
Santorum seems to be the strongest of the Tea Party candidates at the moment .

And for reference there is this older poll by CNN/ORC:
Tea Pty Tea Pty Tea Pty
Total Support Neutral Oppose
----- ------- ------- -------
Bachmann 22% 27% 17% N/A
Gingrich 12% 11% 13% N/A
Huntsman 3% 1% 4% N/A
Paul 25% 25% 22% N/A
Perry 9% 6% 14% N/A
Romney 12% 14% 10% N/A
Santorum 3% 3% 4% N/A
Someone else 1% * 1% N/A
None/no one 7% 5% 9% N/A
No opinion 7% 7% 6% N/A
Sampling Error +/-4.5 +/-6.5 +/-7.5
* percentage less than 1%
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