
There is no free in liberty.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ignoring Tradition...


Ignoring tradition leads to mistakes such as the hippie movement and its liberal embrace. Consider a generation choosing in mass to turn their backs on the greatest generation, a generation that fought and won 2 world wars, tolerated a depression lengthened by faulty academic solutions yet ushered their children into abundance.

There has not been a more giving generation followed by a more selfish generation. Witness the dependence on governance over self, the embrace of debt over savings both personal and public.

It is a generation so selfish that it could not feed its wants without dipping into the pockets of the unborn, that is, the unborn who manage to survive their time in utero to the selfish convenience of free love abortion. And to those who survive that free love storm of selfish desire the hippie movement leaves a diminished America.

This is the failure that results from the lack of proper respect for tradition and is brought home to me each time I run across another self serving 60's retrospective.


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