With sunrise we gladly left Navajo Lake. The first half of the day was

nearly a bust, though. The local we met at Goose Necks sent us on a wild goose chase. Perhaps it was appropriate after flooding him with light. Maybe we just couldn't find the hoodoos; we will never know. We did, however, find the largest dandelions I have ever seen and we got couple of good "off the road in

the middle of no where" pics. We also managed a picture of an elusive prairie dog and cowboy. The prairie dog is in the center pic below the cowboy. You'll have to zoom. Sorry, it was the best I could do.

The hunt for the Hoodoos took 5 hours of our time. We never found them unless the half acre we spotted in the distance was the goal. We finally gave up and headed for four corners.

We found Four corners without trouble (there were no hoodoos there) and we got the required photos after paying the entry fee. Four Corners is on Indian land and the Indians were working hard to sell their trinkets. I have mixed feelings on this. This is their land and if they want to charge an entry fee...fine. If they want to set up a booth and sell trinkets...fine. I am all for free enterprise. The problem is that I can't shake the feeling that I would some how be taking advantage of them if I were to purchase their jewelry for my daughter. Where does this come from? The Indians wanted to provide a service and I had an interest in the product. The

Indians would be better off if I were to purchase from them. My son would have liked a knife. Why, then, would I feel I was taking advantage of them? In the end it was a feeling that led to poor result. I regret not having made a purchase. If I had, the Indians and I would have both been better off. I hope to recognize this feeling of.....what? and avoid it in the future. It is unhealthy.

Shortly after taking the photo of each of us in a different state Elise took

a hard tumble on some uneven pavement so I carried her toward the car, but before we left I found a place to enjoy the distant views. This one in an unusual turn did not include Ship Rock which for the past few days seemed to be following us from sight to sight.

We loaded up and headed for our next home for the night. It was already picked out. It was near Blanding Utah and at 8200 feet

above sea level it would be cool. That is not to say we have been hot. We have been fortunate with the weather. Desert temps in the mid 80's in this time of year at these altitudes is to be enjoyed and has been.

We have found that skipping from mountain to mountain for camping helps with sleep. During the day we visit the desert valleys below. The contrast of desert and alpine climates is something I enjoy. I like waking in the cool autu

mn like air of morning and then sight seeing in the desert during the day. This draws the two climates in stark relief against one another and makes each more intense. I wonder how this will hold in Cali?
Dinner time, but not in the planned Blanding. Once there the altitude wasn't quite high enough. We drove a little farther to the next town Monticello, Utah. A road from the town drove nearly straight up the mountain to Buckboard Campground.
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