
There is no free in liberty.


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Dumb Ass Karl Rove to Take on the Only Energy Fueling Conservatism, The TeaParty


At a time when it is accepted we are a divided nation, Gentry Conservatives fielded a moderate no one wanted against a failed socialist/progressive/Marxist and not only earned fewer votes than  with the previous moderate they fielded four years earlier, but with Romney earned fewer Morman votes than McCain did and lost.

Even after losing with moderate McCain, getting a huge, albeit, insufficient  boost  with TeaParty Palin, making historic gains in the house 2 years later with TeaParty fervor, only to lose again with moderate Romney, and at a time when the only energy for conservatism stems from the TeaParty, we get this from Karl Rove:

... In effect, the establishment is taking steps to fight back against Tea Party groups and other conservative organizations that have wielded significant influence in backing candidates who ultimately lost seats to Democrats in the general election.

Utter dumb ass.
Take your gentry ass home, Rove.


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Check Out the Bad Ass Biking, Pitching, and "doing skeet-shooting"...


Biking Bad Ass

Pitching Bad Ass:

Bad Ass "doing skeet-shooting"

And for some forbidden fun:



Mixed on Roberts...


I have been mixed on the Roberts ObamaCare decision.  On  the one hand ObamaCare is still law, but on the other hand Roberts severely handicapped the law.  It should be remembered that not only was the mechanism to force the states to set up exchanges rescinded, but the funding mechanism was  severely crippled.

Would you choose to pay $20,000/year for family basic insurance, the cost of insurance, or pay the $2000 fine for not getting insurance? That is an $18,000/year shortfall for every family that makes the rational choice.  But...

The Last Embassy:

More importantly Lambert explains the reasoning behind Justice Roberts conclusion that the penalty was a tax and how the tax has to be relatively small in size (not punitive) and how the tax must remain the same amount adjusted for inflation. That is, the “tax” can not be increased per the Roberts decision except via an inflation adjustment which means the tax remains relative in size to the inflation adjusted Obamacare insurance premium. Therefore the tax remains relative and hence it will always be rational to follow the Lambert formula of paying the tax and acquiring coverage only as needed. The only exception to the formula is if health-care prices fall but Obamacare does precious little to address the underlying health-care price.
