
There is no free in liberty.


Thursday, January 31, 2013

McCrory Driving NC Growth Through Tax Reform...


A new analysis by economist Art Laffer for the American Legislative Exchange Council [Rich States, Poor States] finds that, from 2002 to 2012, 62% of the three million net new jobs in America were created in the nine states without an income tax, though these states account for only about 20% of the national population. ...


Jellyfish Rainbow...


Beach Babes:

Jellyfish, catching the sunset
Jellyfish, catching the sunset


Sen. Durbin Prooves he Does not Understand the Concept of Criminal Behavior...


Bubble politics on display...


Behvior That did not Exist Prior to Modern Liberalism...



Sunday, January 27, 2013

Follow the Funding...


The American Spectator itemized no less than $6 million in contributions to fund Mann’s global warming fakery–240 times as much as Heartland got from the Charles Koch Foundation. Worse, most if not all of Mann’s grants were ripped off from taxpayers against their will.
Not all funding is the same.  Government funding is pure as a virgin...


Saturday, January 26, 2013

About That Supposed Mass Extinction



Because the reality is that despite humans cutting down the forests of the world at a rate of knots for hundreds and hundreds of years, despite clearcutting for lumber, despite slash-and-burn, despite conversions to cropland, despite building hundreds of thousands of miles of roads and fences, despite everything … only nine continental mammal and bird species have gone extinct.
"What difference does it make?"


Rich Lowry --- Rush et al had Obama Pegged Correctly --- Rush was Right....



A Public Service Messagge One Can Believe...


Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke urges citizens to join him in the fight against crime by educating themselves in the use of firearms and arming themselves.

This stands in stark contrast to the government's approach in our schools which goes something like this:

'We deem this a gun free zone, and in such case that your children need protection we will not be there for them.  And if the unthinkable occurs, the fault will be in the hands of gun owners across America.'

We are a better nation when our government stands with us than we are when we are forced to stand with it.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Destroying Virtue...


Absent the voluntary component,
all that is accomplished is the destruction of virtue.

There is no virtue in being unproductive,
There is no virtue in forcing charity from the productive,


The ObamaCare Albatross...


Oversold and underfunded....


Monday, January 21, 2013

More Occupy Punching Bag Fun With Daniel Hannen...


 Hannen is too much fun...



Gandhi on an Armed Population...


 “Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.”

Peace through arms....


Friday, January 18, 2013

Ask Yourself Who Obama Trusts with Arms and You Will Find Obama's UnAmerican Friends...


While the White House was busy drafting proposals to ban assault rifles, the last of the regulations imposed on Saudi travel to the United States after September 11 were being taken apart. While some government officials were busy planning how to disarm Americans, other officials were negotiating the transfer of F-16s and Abrams tanks to Muslim Brotherhood-run Egypt.

Obama is unwilling to trust Americans with an AR-15, but is willing to trust a genocidal terrorist group with Abrams tanks and F-16 jets. The F-16’s M61 Vulcan cannon can fire 6,000 rounds a minute and the 146 lb warhead of its HARM missiles can do a lot more than put a few dents in a brick wall. The Abrams’ 120 mm cannon can penetrate 26 inches of steel armor making it a good deal more formidable than even the wildest fantasies of San Francisco liberals about the capabilities of a so-called “assault rifle.”

While Obama has not been willing to respect the Constitution of the United States and its Bill of Rights, he was willing to arm a terrorist group whose motto is, “The Koran is our constitution, the Prophet is our leader, Jihad is our path and death in the name of Allah is our goal.”

If a High School student wrote that on his Facebook page, he would be in police custody within the hour, but an international organization and national government that trades in such rhetoric gets devastating firepower from our government… free of charge.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Liberals Bartering the Rights of Some for the Votes of Others....


 Whether it is bartering the rights of slaves, bartering the rights of blacks via Jim Crow laws, or bartering the rights of the unborn, liberals have a dark history of trading the rights of a select minority for the votes of those who benefit from that minority's loss of liberty.



Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Nearly Random Web Grab...

I happen to know people–good, decent, and thoughtful people–who disagree with me on guns. They are more absolutist on the Second Amendment than I am. And shockingly, they care about their children as much as Mr. Obama does. In fact, many of them care for their unborn children far more than Obama does.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Schiff on BLS Inflation BS or The Keynesians are Raping You...


Believe your government at your own peril.

Schiff's  reasonable basket of good's prices  match the CPI as calculated by the BLS in the 70's, however, when the same basket of good's prices is compared to the current CPI as calculated by  the BLS the numbers do not match.

The Keynesians are raping you.


Looking Toward the Debt Ceiling and Away from Gun Control...


Let's look at the relevant portion of section 4 of the 14th amendment.

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.

Section 4 of the 14th Amendment is about Constitutionally prioritizing debt payments before buying what some refer to as "nice things". Thus, it is those "nice things" that are on the chopping block not the debt payments if the debt ceiling is not raised.

And that is as it should be; we should be forced to debate whether we take on additional debt to pay for "nice things".

But liberals would have you believe that the debt ceiling increase is about covering old debt. Not true. Our revenue can currently cover all debt payments.

The fact is all our debts including SS and those debts owed our soldiers will be paid out of our tax receipts even if the debt ceiling is not raised. It is a Constitutional mandate.

What is not covered by the 14th Amendment is all the Keynesian spending that would necessarily be slashed if we were not to raise the debt ceiling.

The increase in the debt ceiling is really about making further expansions in Keynesian based government spending possible.

Thus, the obvious fear driving Keynesian Krugman toward supporting the insanity of mega coinage.

Despite his mythologizing otherwise Krugman knows that our debt would not go unpaid if the debt ceiling is not raised, but rather, he knows his Keynesian dreams would go unfunded .... all due to the 14th Amendment.
