I have been watching Ken Burns' The National Parks: America's Best Idea.
It is a must see
Monday, September 28, 2009
A Long Wait
There was the slightest nip of fall in the air as I drove home from Charlotte yesterday. The skies had a western feel to them as the clouds were visible well into the distance, not lost to some endless southern haze. It seems fall has a way of clearing the air even on cloudy days and sparking memories of western travel.
I am ready to go back, but fear a long wait.
I am ready to go back, but fear a long wait.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Light map of the US.? Nah. But, all the same, distasteful to our modern Luddites in the environmental movement.
Hmm, there appears to be a little darkness on the NC. coast....in a watery sound.
The Goosenecks, and Natural Bridges areas are appropriately dark.
Last hint: California's distaste for corporations that cater to affordability shows up darkly. Cali's a little too dark for Cali. in my opinion.
For answers go to he who deserves thanks. Stephen Von Worley at weathersealed.com.
Friday, September 18, 2009
To the Ears 06/22/2009
Woke up. Got out of bed. Dragged a comb across my head.........Huff. Puff. Huff.........Looking up I noticed I was late.....................
The day started with the same morning routine...only rushed. We had planned an excursion to Bears Ears and needed to get there, hunt for petrified w
I am constantly taken aback by the sudden changes in climate out here. The experience usually occurs when crossing a pass, and once again, we were not prepared for the change experienced after crossing the ridge between Bears Ears. We were greeted by grazing bovine, green fields, ponds, and large pines. The change in
At that point we had driven between and beyond Bears Ears. After a few pics we turned around and wound back to Bears Ears to check things out. Below us we were able to see the canyon that housed the natural bridges we saw the afternoon before. It was a nice change in perspective. There were n
Perhaps a quarter of the way down the mountain we finally stopped near a wash or dry creek bed. I decided that a wash downstream from Bears Ears
We hurried back to the campground to get our camper before checkout. We were ten or fifteen minutes late but that was OK. We were on our way to Capital Reef before any new campers had shown up.
A short time later we were crossing the Colorado River along an arched metal bridge. I find arched bridges graceful and they only become more so when the arch rises above the traveled p
We continued our drive through some of the most unusual country I have ever seen. There was erosion on a grand scale
There were very few gas stations in the area so we stopped at the most interesting one at the first town we hit, Hanksville Utah. It's not that we expect distinction from a convenient store, but when given the choice between a plain old fuel/food stop and one that has been carved out of a big rock, the big rock will win every time. We made use of their facilities which fortunately required a walk past storage areas to the back of the store. This took us past less finished portions of the store that confirmed the fact we were inside a rock. Tourists like myself were taking photos back there; photos of a convenience store. I had left my camera in the van.
We were still driving through hot low land, but were making
As we left Capitol Reef we continued our climb into higher altitudes for another 30 miles. It was getting late and we feared
We were greeted by cows and only one other camper as we entered Oak Creek. We began to setup camp near the cows but after a short orientation walk decided to move to a site next to the...creek! This was by far the best campsite of he trip so far. The kids immediately made like children and played in the water. It seems dams are still the first o
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
How David Craft, Abuses his Position as Moderator...
His first step is to block you from a thread you are participating in for saying something like "Tin Ear". He will then go on to argue against you and malign you.
And, of course, if you make note of his abusive practices he will label you a whiner.
And for context, here are some David's congenial comments just prior to the blocking. as well as JGW's cowardly sniping from behind his "blocked" wall.
Should David Craft be a moderator?
- Marshall Eakes I was in Munich recently at a beer garden. The beers came in..hmm..one quart glasses...maybe we need to meet there and discuss these major topics after two glasses. (...well for me just one...)
- Marshall Eakes JGW...not so sure that I would not wear it as badge of honor and success if you reduce them to blocking you...just sayin... though sometimes....
- Nancy Watterson JGW's stance has been throughout that fracking is harmless, that the toxins involved are naturally occurring and so harmless, displays an ignorance so vast as to be laughable. CO is also naturally occurring- would you willing breathe it in any concentration? Your date with a tailpipe calls,John Guerry Walker
- David B. Craft Trashing? He wants us to not allow post by people who choose to block him. Who is trashing who?
- Marshall Eakes Nancy Watterson, I am very concerned about fracking...though it is being done in lots of places with some experts saying safe and some...not safe... What little I have read tends to get deep into what type soil..etc. Again...with no expertise...sounds like sometimes it is a good thing and sometimes not so much. This post was not about fracking. Why don't you find a really good fracking article and post it here as it is for sure an NC topic. At least this evening most of the jabs have been light hearted...
- John Hayes Are you kidding me? "We defend your right to troll". "Quit whining" "Now JGW playing the admins for fools" "Quit being such a dick" "Maybe you should be less of a blowhard" Show me what would say if you WERE trashing him. I guess it would be pretty spicy.
- John Hayes I'm not hanging around for the rest of this train wreck. When those entrusted with keepng civility in their own blog fan the flames of incivility, you've blown it dude
- Chuck Deal Ivan and David should expect your resignation letter in the morning. What time will you be at the gun show?
- Andrew Brod Seriously, the whining never ends with these guys. I used to frequent Guarino's blog and I knew it was unfriendly territory. But because I'm not a whiner, I took the hits and I gave as good as I got. Or maybe I didn't. I didn't keep score. But I also never complained. Is GGP a liberal group? Perhaps it is. I presume it's hard to construct a group with a perfectly representative membership. But so what?! If not being surrounded by your coreligionists is a problem for you, then go join them. That's got to be better than complaining endlessly. Unless... the complaining is actually fun for you guys. That would explain it, at least.
- Chuck Deal Hey, I just like to needle Craft whenever there is a chance. This whole thing is nothing but entertainment to me.
- David McLean JGW's position: regulations required that Duke retain its coal ash and THAT was the real problem.
Prevailing opposing position: Duke didn't have to store the ash. It could have have taken it elsewhere. But since they used a storage pond it was their responsibility to keep it out of the river.
So while JGW has an "arguable" position, his opposition has countered it.
How was this mistreating him? - Chuck Deal One hooks it, the other slices. Of course a draw, which is where the ball starts out to the left and them comes back to the right is the most desirable and powerful way to hit it. Same is true in life.
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